winjupos amateur astronomy project designed to track/monitor cloud layers on jupiter expanded to include other planets particularly saturn WHAT IT DOES: derotates images/video projects circular image onto sphere then rotates based on time stamp and projects back to circular image allows you to combine R G B images allows you to combine OSC image captures longer than 3 minutes can create alternate projections N/S pole, cylindrical etc. in theory can derotate video stream and correct for alt-azm field rotation very time intensive in practice everyone recommends stacking short video segments and derotating the resulting images imaging jupiter limited by planetary rotation how long is too long? 2-3 min max (demo image 1 minutes captures) rgb vs OSC no difference saturn, RGB jupiter shows difference luminance NO! short exposure helps with seeing, but is overwhelmed by chromatic aberration ADC (atmospheric dispersion corrector)'s? wedge (GEM) vs alt-azm field rotation dramatic in 3 minutes field rotation demo autostakkert can correct alt azm rotation too! but wedge much more convenient for combining images OVERVIEW OF STEPS: -capture in fire capture (time stamp invaluable) -stack (registax/autostakkert) -provisional sharpening registax -measure images in winjupos and save measurement file -combine images in winjupos (using measurement files) -can combine at multiple time stamps (combine R G B image) -combine all at once -polar/cylindrical projections -animations DETAILS FIRE CAPTURE settings, capture, settings, winjupos file naming log file extended avi uncheck debayer or check and select temporarily disable debyaer combine in autostakkert/registax AUTOSTAKKERT TIPS batch process drag and drop select frame percentages drizzle 3x more file options->open in registax (need to have registax running) open registax and pre-process -wavelet, color balance, color offset preserved (not histogram) -cannot batch process images in registax (only video) -leave autostretch intensity off (serves to inform you when autostakkert done) WIN JUPOS install set directory IMAGE MEASUREMENT (MATCH WIRE FRAME TO IMAGE): recording, image measurement, open image adjust tab adjust image appearance: +/- zoom, L/R rotate, (gamma, contrast, brightness) LD compensation (next time, haven't mastered it yet) match wire frame to image confirm orientation -zoom out moons -check rotation direction with serial images -ephemeris button, graphics, texturing, options tab (mirror inverted if using a diagonal on SCT) -note location and mirror inverted on ephemeris tab *ARE NOT APPLIED TO IMAGE* -set location at image tab, set mirror inversion at opt. tab -saturn's shadow on rings -SCT + Diagonal is mirror inverted line wireframe up pageup/down changes frame size, N/P rotates image, arrow keys MOVES *NOT "REMOVES"* frame -can use options tab specify pixel size, focal length and aperture to get size close (empirically determine this for your image train and use long term) *****for jupiter just click on outline frame->automatic detection, VOILA!***** once you have frame oriented and lined up, go to image tab and select save repeat for all images (very time consuming unless wedge/GEM due to field rotation) same alignment vs align each time? -same alignment for each seemed to work better COMBINE IMAGES: Tools, De-rotation of images edit, add specify image info and directory (will overwrite) select time reference (middle) compile image wavelets for final sharpening (combined stands up to more sharpening before artifacts evident) -demonstration/comparison COMBINE R G B IMAGES: as before stack, provisional wavelets, measure Tools, De-rotation of images edit, add set time reference (mid exposure) set weighting of green and blue to zero to combine red likewise for green and blue (there's probably a better way to do this) tools, De-rotation of RGB frames select measurement file for combined color frames compile image **does not work if time reference for individual color frames different** PROJECTIONS: analysis, map computations, edit, add stereographic polar projection compile map -HEXAGON cylindrical DEROTATION OF LONG VIDEO -not recommended provisional sharpened combine with measurement tools, derotation of video streams mono or RGB (has to be debayered?) -in theory can compensate for field rotation in altitude over azimut mounts demo (several hours processing time for 10 minute video) CONCLUSION: -allows longer exposure/capture time on rapidly rotating planets -improved image when combining multiple captures of similar quality -not as good if there is only one standout -critical for R G B imaging vs OSC -polar/cylindrical projections NEEDS WORK: -LD compensation -better alignment (each frame vs same for session)